Animation Production Showreel
Animation production is becoming increasingly popular as a promotional tool and we have a talented team of animators at our Hampshire base. We offer animations in a variety of styles that can be seen in our animation showreel and we are always striving to find new and innovative ways to produce videos.
We offer slick vector animation, hand-drawn animation, keyframe animation, 3D animation and motion graphics to create a style that compliments your brand or product. This versatility means we can easily adapt to produce the exact fit for you.
Our clients use animation to promote services and products or to explain new initiatives. We also regularly produce animations for museums and galleries to accompany exhibitions and enhance the visitor experience. The use of animation accompanied by other graphics, voice over and music can help to communicate a large amount of information in an enjoyable and user-friendly format, making animation production a popular service for companies explaining complex subject matter. Our clients include General Electric, Winchester CAB, Innovate UK, Panavision, LEE Filters, Hampshire Cultural Trust, Leicester Museum, Southampton City Council and Brockenhurst College.
See how Innovate UK have utilised our animated videos on their YouTube page: Innovate UK