Kepler British Antarctic Survey

Kepler British Antarctic Survey

Copernicus is Europe’s Earth Observation programme for monitoring our planet. Its Sentinel satellites track the changes in the environment to support safe and sustainable human activity, and the effects of climate change. The Polar Regions are some of the most dramatic and sensitive areas that require specialised satellites and information.

The Key Environmental monitoring for Polar Latitudes and European Readiness project, KEPLER, has been funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research programme, to develop a roadmap to improve and better integrate the different components of the Copernicus monitoring programme.

In this video, which mixes animation and live footage, we provide three examples showing how the next phase of Copernicus, from 2022 to 2028, can deliver on the potential of its current and new satellites and information. By using products from Europe’s Earth Observation Programme, and building on KEPLER’s recommendations, the possibility of a successful outcome is enhanced.




Explainer Animation