Peer Action Animation
As well as being a video production company, we are also animation specialists. This is an animated short film created through collaboration with Artswork, Unloc, and Youth Options. The captivating narrative, based on research by Peer Researchers aged 17-25 in the Solent region, calls upon the talents of the spoken word artist John Bernard, infusing the animation with a gritty depth.
The animation delves into the authentic experiences and poignant quotes gathered through extensive research, immersing viewers in a school setting. Through vivid animation, it explores societal challenges: poverty, mental health, social media’s influence, and the harrowing impacts of bullying on today’s youth.
This thought-provoking animation amplifies the voices of those directly affected, aiming to spark vital conversations and drive actionable change. Join us on an empowering journey to uncover the resilience of young individuals determined to reshape their narratives.